NDC-RI originates from the foundation Dutch Diving Centre Certification Institution (NDC-CI), which in turn originated from the former National Diving Centre (NDC). This Foundation was established in 1985 on the initiative of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Defence and Employers and Employees from the Diving Industry and operated under the then Working Conditions Act as a training institute and certification institution from 1994 to 2014.
Due to the system change, a new policy of the government at the time, this Foundation no longer fitted within the legal framework. At the initiative of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and the civil sector, it was decided to establish a completely new foundation, which will focus entirely on one task, certifying persons in accordance with NEN ISO 17024. The new Stichting Nederlands Duikcentrum Certificatie Instelling (Dutch Diving Centre Certification Institution) has been a designated certification institution by the SZW Inspectorate as of 17 September 2014, based on a positive assessment by the Accreditation Council. See the designation order in the Staatscourant 26260 dated 16-09-2014.
The NDC-RI foundation (Dutch Diving Centre Registration Institution) was established upon introduction of the Registration System on 1 February 2025.
The name NDC has been a well-known and recognized concept worldwide for over 35 years. NDC-RI puts a lot of effort into fame and recognition on an international level. NDC-RI divers benefit greatly from this worldwide on the international work floor.